Monday, October 8, 2012

Trying to describe myself is hard, mainly because i feel i am full of contradictions. I like being alone but at the same time love surrounding myself of new people. I like being independent and self sufficient but appreciate having friends and family who i can lean on when i need help. I have a big family and a good amount of friends, however i am almost always distant.
People usually see me as a strong and confident person, with a tough exterior. However on the inside i am very sensitive and emotional.
There are two main things in my life that make me happy, photography and New York city.
Being behind my camera has always been my greatest passion, documenting people and places it's always been a way for me to identify a place and time I'm living in.
I find happiness being surrounded by people and life, by art and inspiration.
I picture my future traveling trough the world, meeting people and documenting all the new things i encounter.

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